Monday, February 4, 2013

A 3 Year Old Birthday Girl

Yesterday was Carly's 3rd Birthday & we had a great time celebrating her!
We are so proud of the girl that she is turning into.
She has a beautiful heart, that grows with every day.

Here is a picture of the day she was born:

Here is Carly on her big girl 3rd birthday:

Clint & I decorated the living room with streamers & balloons so she felt extra special when she woke up. She was adorable walking around looking at all the decorations. Such a grateful little lady.
This was the sleeping birthday girl before she woke up!

The birthday girl wanted eggs for breakfast, so that's what we had.
After breakfast, we headed to church. Then we came home to make her yummy strawberry cake.

Licking the mixers

Of course she shares with her little brother :)

 As soon as we got it in the oven, Daddy got home from work early, so we were able to open gifts then.
Yes, our oh-so-glamorous wrapping...

She wanted a skateboard, so we decided to get a mini scooter. She's a pro at riding already!
After gifts, we had pb & j for lunch (Carly's fave) & then we all rested, so little brother could take a nap.
In the evening, Nana & Pappy came over to have a little party!
Carly wanted hot dogs & mac & cheese for dinner. So I made those along with other appetizers for the super bowl! 
Opening gifts with Nana. (Carly wanted to wear her Halloween socks...)

She loved the 2 pieces of her strawberry cake & ice cream.
This girl loves anything pink!
Happy Birthday Carly :)


  1. Please let Carly know we wish her a belated happy birthday! and look forward to this weekend!

  2. Happy Birthday Carly! Your growing up so quickly. The whole family says hi! Come visit us soon <3 <3

    1. Thanks Kylie & the whole family :)
      Hope to see you soon!

  3. She is precious!!!! Oh my word!! My youngest turns 5 next week! I actually started crying today just thinking about it. Time flies waaaaaay to fast!

    1. Thanks! :)
      Aw, they definitely grow up way too fast!
