Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend!
We couldn't have asked for better weather - sunny & warm!
Clint's mom & dad came up for a short visit.
Saturday we spent the day at the lake. (what else, right?!)
Then we we had a delicious grilled chicken here at home, with dutch oven potatoes.

After dinner, we had a little big guest creeping up on us in the woods.
He liked what he smelled with the chicken cooking for a few hours & he wanted some.

A big, old black bear!
(It is so sad that this is the only decent picture we got of it. I wasn't thinking enough to run in & get our good camera - not knowing these pictures weren't turning out well)
We ended up watching him just on the edge of the woods & right onto our lawn for about 20 mins.
Carly saw him too & just loved it!
We're not thrilled that he was so close to the house, but it was neat to see!

It was hard to top that excitement!
Sunday we went to the PA Grand Canyon for a bit. It is always so fun!
Monday the kids spent the day in the kiddie pool out in the yard - unfortunately, Clint had to work.

We ended the holiday weekend with a cookout spread of bbq ribs, sweet corn, salad, & fresh watermelon/blueberries!
Hope you had a great Memorial Day weekend :)

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday

Here's another link up to What I Wore Wednesday!
{I'm a little late posting this - but it is still Wednesday!}
Denim Shirt: Gifted (J. Crew)
Pants: American Eagle (2 years old?)
Necklace: made by me
(I need to try to make a better one, so I won't share until I do!)

Leopard Print Flats: Target (super old!)
I'm pretty sure I stole these from my sister way more than 5 years ago, I bet!
Thanks for checking this out!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Hello Monday

Hello Monday - How are you?! :)
Hello to the end of another great weekend!

Hello beautiful wild flowers.
You're dying now, but I'll just go pick some more!

Hello my cutie babes who are just loving the warm weather!

Hello to new opportunities & the gift of another week!
I'm linking up with Lisa Leonard for Hello Monday again!

Friday, May 18, 2012


I just love the sunshine.
 I love when it's hot & it's supposed to be!
I could repost THIS POST from last week for today again!
It is supposed to be a glorious weekend, with nothing planned & I'm so excited :)
We might even get a much needed date night in as well.

I've been reading "Tender Mercy for a Mother's Soul" by Angela Thomas Guffey (just started last night) & it is refreshing! I'm only half-through the 1st chapter & it's already had me tearing up. My husband's aunt & good friend of mine, lent it to me & I'm so glad she did :) It's already starting to change my heart & just strenghtens my desire to love Jesus & lean on Him through everything. To recognize that I need Him at all times, especially these physically, mentally, & spiritually trying times as I mother my wonderful children! What a blessing that is! They are my sunshine :)

Happy weekend everyone!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A little of this & a little of that!

The kids are monsters. Ok, not really, but I can't believe how crazy they can be sometimes. They are constantly fighting when they are both awak. Carly has been fighting her naps/bedtime & Rogue's mission in life is to make the biggest mess possible. Example: a simple gummy fruit snack...Rogue inhales all but 1 out of a package. The very last one, he sucks on, while in his hand. Blue, sticky, drooly mess!
 Not fun.

:: Despite the chaos, I wouldn't trade it for the world! There are so many sweet things that outweigh the bad, I just forget all the monstrous times. The blessing of being a mother is sometimes so great, I can't wrap my mind around it! ::

Rogue has been obsessed with his crocs. How stylish, I know! There is nothing cuter than a kid in crocs though, seriously. He goes back to his bedroom & gets them one-at-a-time. He then gets Carly's for her to wear too!

Today, he wanted to wear them when he still had his footie jammies on! At least they matched :)
I love how he comes over with his favorite duckey blankey, lays his head on my leg & sucks his finger.
 I love how he chases his big sissy everywhere.
I love his 6-toothed grin!
I love how he folds his hands at dinner when we pray!
I love his deep-voiced chuckle.
(If you heard it, you'd just know what I'm talking about!)
His favorite words lately are: " Da-da, duh (duck), sissss (sissy), Ma-ma, & buhh (ball)

And for Carly...
As we speak, she is avoiding taking a nap. Which gives mommy no time to herself. Naps are the glorious time of day for some me time. I'm going to have to start being a little more stern with her...she needs to sleep!
She's an adorable big sissy though! She takes care of Rogue so well.
Yesterday they were outside...wandering through the woods. Carly leading the way & Rogue trailing behind her.
She's been a Daddy's girl lately & let's just say how happy Clint is with that!
She talks about the lake, like it's her second home!
I love how she has to kiss her baby brother before he goes to beddy!
I gave her a little interview today that went like this -

Me: Carly, what's your favorite color?
Carly: PINK
Me: What's your favorite movie?
Carly: DORA
Me: What's your favorite drink?
Carly: Pink Juice
Me: What's your favorite food?
Carly: Dora Gummies
Me: What's your favorite toy?
Carly: I share my toys with Roguey!
Me: What's your favorite song?
Carly: I wanna love somebody... (Keith Urban's "Love Somebody Like You")

HOW CUTE! She loves PINK & she loves DORA! Mostly, she loves her little brother! :)
They truly love each other...and I have to keep telling myself that when they are pulling, pushing, & hitting each other!

On another note, I wanted to share my nails that I painted last night.
They aren't perfect, but just the girly touch that I needed! :)

Just an update: by the time I finished this post, I had 2 sleeping babes! Yay! :)

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What I Wore Wednesday

Today, I am linking up for WHAT I WORE WEDNESDAY again!
I love doing this - it is definitely a motivator for me to put some effort into myself & not stay in my jammies or sweats all day long!

Blue Dress: Kohls Clearance $10
Pink Cardi: SO old!
Blue Belt: From another dress
Flower Toms: Toms online...not a steal, but I just had to have them!

Flower Dress: Old Navy (online, last year)
Cowboy Boots: About 8 years old, J.C. Penny

And please don't mind my hair...
I was heading to church on Sunday evening & just got out of the shower.
I had it up like this to make it kind of wavy. I took it out right as we pulled in & just tossed it around.
I have been cursed blessed with pin-straight hair.
I know, I know...girls spend hours getting their hair to be as straight as mine.
But I just long for beach wavy curls!
Happy Wednesday Everyone! <3

Monday, May 14, 2012

Hello Monday

Hello Monday!
Hello to the end of a great weekend!
Hello to more fun in the sun on Mother's Day!

Hello to the beautiful bass that Daddy caught!

Hello to fun new outside toys & another beautiful day we got to spend outside!

Hello to another new week with not a whole lot planned - we'll see what you bring our way!
Hello Monday everyone!
I'm linking up with Lisa Leonard for Hello Monday.

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Life is Good Today

What would you like to do on a sunny, 80 degree day?
We went over to the lake, which is just about 5 mins from us & boy, was it wonderful!
We kept saying how we wouldn't have wanted to be doing anything else.

Carly loved the water & Rogue loved the 4-wheeler!
The kids were exhausted, so while they were napping, we made none other than bbq chicken on the grill! Paired up with some fresh pineapple! Delicious! :)
Hope you are having a good Mother's Day weekend! I'll leave ya with a song...

Friday, May 11, 2012

I Love Fridays :)

 I LOVE Fridays

I LOVE Weekends with a forecast like THIS.
I LOVE that Clint has off weekends & we have absolutely NOTHING planned!
{I usually LOVE to be busy, but it is nice to relax}

I LOVE the growth of my first-time every growing plants:

{The first is 1 row of peppers & 2 rows of tomatoes 
 the 2nd is basil, mint, parsley that is growing like crazy & rosemary}
It's taken a little long for them to get started, but they all finally did!

I LOVE these beautiful roses from my wonderful husband!

I LOVE my 2 little cuties that keep me on my feet all day long!

I wouldn't trade it for the world! :)
:: I LOVE Fridays! Happy Weekend ::

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Rogue's 1st Birthday Train Party - The Birthday Boy

AND...last but not least - the birthday boy!

Getting the charcoal started!

Carly was in heaven with her favorite friends being here!

With the birthday boy!

He refused to wear his train hat! But the hankerchief was just a velcro one specifically to be worn around the neck!

Eating his meal!

Our fabulous cook!

Carly was too sleepy to eat :(

Smash cake...this was just the beginning

He had enough! He was covered in blue icing (why didn't I think of how blue icing would stain?! He was blue for a couple days...)

We had a GREAT day!
The weather was perfect - a beautiful sunny, 70 degree day!
Thank you SO much for everyone who came out to celebrate this special day with our family :) Thanks all who helped!
& a very special thank you to Chrissy for all of the pictures that she took for the party!